
This is the place to keep up to date with news of special events, culinary innovations and new arrivals among our herds of deer.


Down on the farm


It has been super to see a high number of visitors at the farm during January, feeding our ever grateful animals and appreciating the surroundings. The birds of prey have been much in evidence – Kites, Buzzards and smaller Kestrels have been frequently observed during the day, whilst owl pellets are sometimes found on gate posts and other suitable perching points and we’ve started to hear foxes mating cries at night. Water has been an issue in the last few weeks it came down in torrents before freezing solid. Fortunately, we have spare paddocks enabling us to overcome these challenges.

The older animals are well equipped to fend for themselves in their natural environment. Their winter coats have hollow guard hairs over a furry undercoat that helps keep body heat in, they are so well insulated that snow doesn’t melt on their backs. The change of coat colour from red-brown to a greyish-brown from summer to winter enables them to absorb more heat from the sun and during warmer months they build up fat stores which can be called on during the winter months. Our deer have an advantage over those in the wild as they are fed, checked and we ensure a supply of running water every day.

This month we look forward to introducing visitors to our new species of deer… Head Ranger, Glyn, has selected 10 menil fallow, 2 white fallow and 8 manchurian sika to join the Sky Park Farm herd. We were pleased to have herded our red deer calves into the barn before winter took an icy grip, they are enjoying protection from the elements, deep straw bedding and ad lib Lucerne silage and deer ration. The calves are weighed regularly to monitor their growth and development. This process acquaints the youngsters with the handling system which is advantageous at this age and encourages development of a calm temperament.

Elsewhere on the farm the Ranger team are finishing off fencing projects and tarmacking the park entrances in an attempt to beat the mud!



Judged by the Guild of Fine Food’s professional panel, five of Sky Park Farm Shop’s products have been granted Great Taste Award stars in the 2024 competition.  For a second consecutive year, the Butchery Counter’s produce has excelled with two […]

National Winners!


Sky Park Farm Shop, Harting, West Sussex, was crowned National Winner of the Small Farm Shop Category at the Farm Shop and Deli Awards 2024 in Birmingham on Monday 29th April.  The award-winning Farm Shop was acknowledged for their exceptional […]

Sky Park Farm’s Easter Eggs


If you pop into the Visitor Centre this weekend you’ll see our new incubator set-up.  We have put a variety of bantam eggs in as it’s just 21 days until Easter and that’s exactly how long it takes for a […]